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*Ominous music*

September 9, 2019


Being a college graduate, I have heard one phrase too many times: “I wish I was a kid again! Everything was simpler when I was younger.” Habitually, that depressing sentence is preceded by a difficult situation or a mistake made due to lack of “adulting."

People seem to neglect that responsibility (or adulting), is a result of freedom and power.


When you were a child you had no freedom to do anything! You had a bedtime, had to go to school, and you had to listen to your parents. As an adult, you can make your own decisions. However, now you have to parent yourself. Be a good parent.


When you were a child, you thought about what you wanted to be when you grew up. Now you can do those things! You wanted to be a doctor when you grew up. Now, you’re an adult at the operating table. Time to save some lives.

A Match Made On Earth

The combination of freedom and power drives us to realize a fundamental fact of our existence here on earth: Life is not about us. Growing up seems like a pain when you are only thinking about yourself, look at it as contributing to a better tomorrow. Look at it like a chance to create the world you would want to grow up in.

Live In Motion,

-Joél Casanova