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BeatHunters are Pack Hunters

Feed your pack

September 10, 2019

According to the most reliable source on the internet (Wikipedia lol), “A pack hunter or social predator, is predatory animal which hunts its prey by working together with other members of its species. Normally, animals hunting in this way are closely related… all individuals in a family group contribute to hunting." This has immense parallels to what it is like to be a BeatHunter.

BeatHunters are dancers who are intentionally searching for their identity in dance and adamantly working to grow in their personal style. BeatHunters are pack hunters because the best way to reach their goal is in community.

Community is about giving and taking. Take all the help you can get from your community because they can see you with an objective perspective. They see all the good things you neglect and all the flaws you need to fix. That allows you to grow faster and further than you would have by yourself. When everyone in the group is giving and taking, everyone has more to give and take.

Find your people and create time for them. Prioritize and feed your pack. One day you will need them to feed you.

Live In Motion,

-Joél Casanova