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David & Goliath - Part 2

September 22, 2020

1. The pain you are experiencing now, will pay for your success in the future.

In David and Goliath, Malcolm Gladwell speaks about a little boy who was born with acute dyslexia and memorized what people told him so he wouldn't have to read. School was torture because he was mentally doing four times the work his peers were.

So what did he do? He goes to law school. He uses his memory to become one of the best trial lawyers ever. By the time he was a practicing attorney. he could memorize the facts of a case and destroy the opposing party.

The superpower of memory was created in the fight with dyslexia. Without his pain, he never would have succeeded.

We can't plan for pain because it happens when we least expect it.

But we can plan to make it work for us.

Live In Motion,

-Joél Casanova