1. The pain you are experiencing now, will pay for your success in the future.
2. That success will only come if you allow unconventional truth overcome conventional knowledge.
Conventional knowledge is dangerous because it puts itself on every street corner, convincing those who find it (a very easy thing to do, might I add), that they don't have to work for what is right.
They go with the flow and only attack those who swim the opposite direction.
Why? Because conventional knowledge is intoxicating, but unconventional truth is sobering. Once you've been sobered by it, you see the vibrant color of reality; not the distortion of the mass opinion. You see that there is more than one way to succeed, to solve the problem, to live life. Unconventional truth will show you what was already there by giving you eyes to see it.
It's worth the pain of them trying to stop you. Keep going.
Live In Motion,
-Joél Casanova