I enjoy creating more than anything, but I used to be scared of burning out. My consistency would dwindle and I would think, "I don't think I have anything left..."
Then I realized something:
More than creating something new, the process of creating changes us. At the end of creating, we are different people. Those different people have more to create. They have more endurance, they are more experienced, they are freer in their emotions.
They - if only by a little bit - are one step closer to who we were designed to be. The only way creativity can burn out, is if the creator tries to stay the same person they used to be.
When you feel yourself lacking creativity, you aren't lacking anything. You are feeling the disconnect between your dancing and your identity. We stop being creative because our creativity is moving forward while our identity is staying behind. But when they are in sync? There is always more...more to enjoy.
Live In Motion,
-Joél Casanova