No. This has nothing to do with home workouts.
If you're like me and have scrolled half a second through literally ANY social media sites, you've seen somewhere between one and one BILLION home workouts, ads for online dance classes, and dare I say it... Dance Bingo. *shudder*
What does it means to succeed as a dancer? Touring with a company? Moving to LA? Establishing a prestigious studio? Traveling internationally to teach?
Because of the quarantine, all of this stopped. The only consistent factor? You.
You are the solution. We need you.
No amount of stretching, working out, or learning in class will affect your success as a dancer. You have a unique purpose in the dance world and you'll never be truly successful until you tap into that purpose.
Now is the perfect time to sit and think about dance. Don't just answer the "What does dance mean to you" stereotype question. Really ask yourself:
"Why am I doing this and who do I do it for?"
Live In Motion,
-Joél Casanova