I was asked in an interview if HipHop was for adults too, and why? Here is my answer:
"Far too often I have adults from the ages of 25 to 45 reach out to me and ask if they are too old to start dancing. Before I can respond “Of course not!” they state their reason for inquiring:
a) they did not dance when they were young and want to fulfill that dream,
b) they want to challenge themselves because they were always too afraid to dance before, and
c) they are going through rough patch in life and want something fun to do that takes their mind of it but is also beneficial to their health.
Could any of these adults take Tap or Ballet? Sure! But the inherent nature of HipHop is the perfect avenue for them to get not only want out of dance, but what they need out of dance."
Check out a class.
Live In Motion,
-Joél Casanova