Inspiration can be a fleeting thing. In the middle of a random (and frankly common) activity throughout the day a phenomenal idea can reveal itself.
Some refer to inspiration as "the muse" to personify it because it seems to have a mind of its own.
It doesn't.
Too many dancers have used "the muse" as a cover for the extremes of laziness or being workaholic. You are not a puppet being controlled by a ghost. You are the artist. You choreograph, practice, plan, and prepare to execute your work.
This means two thing: First, when you are not feeling inspired you can still do fantastic work; all it takes is discipline. Second, because you are in control, rest in a conscious decision on your part. You don't have to worry that the job won't get done if the inspiration is not there.
You are not a slave to the muse.
Live In Motion,
-Joél Casanova